Monday, March 10, 2008

Money Talks

I feel fear. It was an alien concept to me. Yet I feel fear now.

I really ought to think of whats the worst that can go wrong..? My car could get stolen, my bosses could get non supportive and dis believing, my house could get robbed, all my savings could vanish as the stock market could reach 12000 points. (not far from reality). It could also be all of the above as I have observed thats the way life works. When you get, you usually get more than required and when u lose, it could be everything.

Another point of deep thought of all of the above is that it is all related to money!

How did I start thinking so much about money. This slowly creeped up from nowhere maybe a couple of years back when my company went in for an IPO. How peaceful was it when I didnt have any money...just getting a little bit of it gives it an opportunity to control me.

Is anything really the worst thing that could happen? If my savings vanish or the markets touch 10,000 points or I lose my job...will it not be a blessing in disguise. Warren Buffet became the richest man in the world - he says when markets get jittery, maintain your cool, have a long term vision, look for buying opportunities. Another colleague says pray you can be solvent before the markets revive...which never usually happens.

As i take a rain check of what I think - though intellectually I agree with Warren Buffet, I think it could be a blessing in disguise and more than that I think I am just gonna chuck what if you lose some savings in the short term or so what if you chuck a non cooperative job...the universe always has something in store for you.


Anonymous said...

Hmm,, seem to spent quite some time on blogging.. hwzz d family coping up :-) lolz

Anonymous said...

Hey "A",, interchanged commments..a ctually.. :).Goof up ke liye sorry.
Well, what Liked the clarity on yr layout.. ppl usually use so heavy colors and shade that it chucks out ppl. ANd Keep writing,, always love to see women bloggers..