Wednesday, February 13, 2008

About work

I learnt -

1) If you put your heart in your work..there will be tonnes of people who will tear it out..why do I still do it?

2) Scavengers of the corporate world roam about in disguises.

3) I am never able to say anything mean when the person who has said something hurtful deserves to hear it. I can think of a lot of things to say post the moment passes..

4) Insecure people are worse to work with than arrogant especially if they are your seniors. (maybe its a camouflage of the same emotion)

5) Inertia is a strong word

6) So is fact stronger.

7) I have not yet found what I am looking for in terms of work...but I know that it exists...

8) Not everyone is like you and 98% of people you work with do not realize this.

9) The ability to put yourself in another one's shoe is with just a handful of people and you can always count them on your fingers.

10) You should only leave when you are doing extremely well and not when you are not...

11) You make very few real relationships at work..maybe just a couple and definitely not more.

12) A work relationship is very transactional and hence people give just 20% of themselves to the output.

13) The few people who are able to reach the person beyond just a transaction actually transform lives and make the iphones.

14) Its of no use taking anything from work back home...more work or emotion...all should be left at office before you start that car.

P.S: Now you know how angry I might be currently..Thanks folks that was a fantastic venting out for me

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The intention theory

I was at dinner at this awesome Chinese joint in Bandra (forgive me for forgetting the name...but it is worth mentioning as the food was really awesome) with family and some one casually mentioned the words...' yes thats the intention theory'....a lovely term for this blog.

For the past few years...these thoughts have repeatedly come to my mind. The surprising thing is that recently wherever I go...there is a mention of it. It magically comes up and gets affirmed by way of a book i read or someone else having experienced it or just talking about it. Signs the universe is giving I guess.

But yes...its rather miraculous...if you really want something...all you need to do is wish for it.

Ok this is my take on what some of us might have experienced....Its crazy how we humans do not at most times really know what we wish for. There is a disagreement between our conscious mind and our inner self on what we really want. Since we only realize what our conscious mind is saying and its usually cluttered by an overload of information - conditioning, society do's and don'ts, family/friends/colleagues and their thoughts etc etc...we feel that this is what we want when we do not really want it. And when we don't get what we think we want...we get into this entire circle of despair at various levels. We miss the point that the inner self really did not want has created circumstances ,which the conscious mind is unable to comprehend, which ensures that we do not get it.

Well whats the use one might ask. If we think that we want it and we do not get it and have to go through despair...whats the use of the entire wishing business.

:) All I can say is that if you have not got the point...too bad. A clue I can give is focus on the inner self..get to know it...and you will get whatever it is that you truly have wished for...whether it is a billion dollars or a beach house on an exotic island...or maybe you want to be that one person who makes a difference to a million lives....

I lately have put a number to the amount of money I want by 2010...I now have a sneaky feeling that this wish may be corroded by friends I interact with daily(hopefully not)....I think I need to know what is it that I wish for...what is it that I am going to definitely get.....a paradox is'nt it ;)

The next step

Folks...its a funny feeling, open questions which I was struggling for years got answered and the ease is what amazes me. Like a great man said...if you have a question that you are unable to find answers for stay with will come to you. Patience is the greatest virtue I tell you.

You may ask..what questions are these..which were so critical that I looked for answers for years?...well the wonder is that if you ask me I do not even remember..knowledge gained assimilates in your life like the air you are not even conscious that its there...but you do feel uplifted.

And you know what else have I realized...that the same questions if asked to me by someone else...I would be clueless as to what should I say...and even if I attempt an answer, it would be quite meaningless to the person asking. I don't think I would even want to answer. Everyone finds their own can only be a catalyst and I have realized you are usually a catalyst when you don't intend to be one. Just be yourself...full stop. Who ever wants to pick up whatever from the person you are will do so without you trying to explain it.

Well now what one might wonder...if you ask me...I do not have a clue. The search continues...and this time it would be for better ways to celebrate life. Questions like the purpose of my life, I am in no hurry to know.