Friday, November 03, 2006

Is life scattered or does it have a pattern?

Its funny how you find yourself standing on the edge of the cliff, time and again in life. I do think I can be accused of running from safety. Is that the best way to live, would'nt it just be better following protocol and adhering to what people say you must do. It would certainly be easier.

Being surrounded by people who want to be exactly like a boss, a movie star, or just like the other guy everyone else is looking upto.
Do we really know enuf of anyone to look upto them? Be it Gandhi, Kennedy or even when it comes to hating hitler.

Like they say, alls well when nothing goes wrong...but when things do go wrong...thats when your world crashes dowm. When your car is stolen, the insurance companies and the police are tough to handle, when targets dont happen..the boss and company is tough to handle, when you make a choice from your heart, the world is tough to handle.
Adhering and obedience is such a part of our up bringing that when it comes to being becomes and adverse situation in life, like the ones mentioned earlier.

If you notice, there are patterns that keep repeating in your work, in relationships, friendships, two radically different situations..there is a pattern. A professor once told me, if there is a pattern that keeps repeating in your life, there is a lesson you have not learnt, the moment you learn it, the pattern disappears. It stayed with me and i kept looking for the lessons...but i can safely say now that patterns are the law of will happen.

Lessons..i guess lifes best moments have happened completely unexpectedly, so you need not beat yourself up on learning life's lessons they come to you like the smell of Chanel No. 5 when you are able to locate it in a store in India and try it on!


Unknown said...


I like your writing. Its honest. Keep at it. Cheers. Dan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ma'am....

just stumbled upon your blog....must say too good..miss you so much in the keep writing for people like me to read and feel good about my previous boss...