Monday, March 29, 2010

Rohan's Birth - Part 2

Birthing is personal..very personal to the mum, dad and the little baby.

Am writing this post to urge mothers to trust their bodies and take control of this wonderful experience. This is the one time that you as a woman can experience so many emotions together - extreme joy, wonder, peace and togetherness with your husband and baby. This is the absolute first day of your baby in this world, its our responsibility to make it wonderful and peaceful. Everythings registering in the little ones subconscious mind.

It helps to be prepared, it helps to read helps to de-condition your mind. De-condition your mind from all those screaming images we see on TV, from all those extra tips we get from everyone around who use the word pain, c-sec, epidural, hospital, doctors, labor rooms so easily and relate these terms to delivery.

We in India are just so ready to give up control and give it to our elders, our docs and that too without questioning?

Well the day Rohan was born is going to be etched in my memory forever. I remember when he came out of me and Doc put him on my tummy..Sanjay beside me and Rohan with his big eyes full of wonder looking at me questioning me curiously. Then he wailed..a happy wail I think.

My birthing was personal and the fact is that it was me who gave birth to Rohan, I was in control all the while. At 4.00am when the surges started..all I felt was excitement...the wait of 9 months was nearly over. This is how it happened.

The fact is that I was prepared and I read up. Divya's hypnobirthing classes were great...Every belief of mine while birthing was reinstated during these classes. The fact is that the belief and need has to be yours, an expert like Divya can only show you the have to take it.